We are a community made up of all kinds of people, young, old, families, singles, from different backgrounds, each on our own unique faith journey. We are united in wanting to work together with God to become more like Jesus and to help others to know him. We want to have more of his courage and strength, his compassion, his servant heart, his love of the poor, his tender gentleness and his intimacy with God.
We welcome anyone who wants to join us in figuring out what life is about and what becoming like Jesus might mean. You are welcome to join us at any of our services. There is plenty of parking in the streets around St Clement’s and also in our carpark at the back of the church (see map). You needn’t dress up – the dress code for all our services is relaxed and casual. As you arrive, if you would like, you can introduce yourself to one of the people at the doors, or to the clergy, and they will endeavour to help with anything you may need to follow the service.
So come along and join us. We are looking forward to meeting you.
At St Clement's on the Hill, it is important that everyone feels safe.
Our parish takes all safety concerns seriously and complies with the Anglican Church Southern Queensland’s safe ministry practices.
Click HERE for ACSQ’s key safety policies and for further information.
If you have any concerns about safety or would like to report a hazard, please contact our parish office.